Parallel Grain Growth 3D (PGG-3D)


PGG-3D is a synchronous parallel grain growth code that uses the classical Potts model to simulate material microstructure. It was originally designed for nCUBE and Intel machines, but has been tested on various supercomputer and Beowulf architectures. The novelty of PGG-3D lies in its checkerboard and sublattice decomposition technique. The source has been modified to incorporate anisotropic grain boundary properties which are a function of the misorientation angle between two dissimilar grains. The default functions adhere to the Read-Shockley dislocation model. In addition, grain growth stagnation (Zener pinning) can be studied using this software. Last, a toolkit has been included for the standard post-processing data analysis and visualization.


Get the PGG-3D source code here, or browse the code online here.


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The Materials Research Science and Engineering Center (MRSEC) is an interdisciplinary research and educational enterprise within Carnegie Mellon University dedicated to the understanding, control and optimization of grain boundary dominated materials properties. The design goals of MMSP are motivated largely by present and future needs of researchers affiliated with the MRSEC.

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