Building Glotzilla
Glotzilla uses CMake to generate platform independent makefiles.
CMake with gcc
For any unix-like OS, including linux and mac OS, use the following commands to build.
In-source build
Build the libraries in the source directory:
$ cd Glotzilla $ cmake . $ make $ make install
Out-of-source build
Build the libraries in a directory called Glotzilla-build:
$ ls Glotzilla $ mkdir Glotzilla-build $ cd Glotzilla-build $ cmake ../Glotzilla $ make $ make install
Note that Glotzilla source directory lives on the same level as Glotzilla/build in this example. Otherwise cmake $PATH2GLOTZSOURCE command must be modified.
Custom build with ccmake
You can customize your build by using the ccmake GUI rather than cmake.
$ cd Glotzilla $ ccmake . # ENTER GUI MODE # SET OPTIONS # EXIT GUI MODE $ make $ make install
In gui mode, first press "c" to configure. Then edit options by either pushing ENTER (for ON/OFF options) or typing a string (for STRING options). When done, push "c" to reconfigure and then push "g" to generate.
CMake with XCode
To generate an XCode project rather than a makefile, use the following flag when running cmake:
$ cmake -G Xcode
Open the project and click "build" to compile.
Common Problems
Glotzilla did not build correctly
Make sure that you have all of the Supporting Software installed.