Using Subversion (encrypted via SSH) on
We use an encrypted method to access subversion on The login id and password are the same as the one in your trac environment. When you are checking out and committing source code, retyping your password so often can get tedious! Below are some steps (5 mins of work) that let you upload a public key you create to the matdl-osi server so you don't have to type your password everytime you use ssh or svn+ssh. Its just as secure as SSH and your transmission and authentication are still encrypted.
Here are the steps I took to make this work (I'm running a bourne shell for what its worth, this will be a little different if you use csh, or tsch)
on the client (where you log in from):
# ssh-keygen -f .ssh/id_rsa -t rsa (choose a strong passphrase) # scp .ssh/ [email protected]: # chmod 700 .ssh # chmod g-rwx .ssh/*
on (log in to your account via ssh first):
# cat >> .ssh/authorized_keys # rm # chmod 700 .ssh # chmod 600 .ssh/authorized_keys
Now you can log in from the client using your public key and passphrase (not password):
on client:
# ssh [email protected] (I enter my passphrase and log in)
Now, to set it up so you don't have to enter your passphrase, you need to do this (its probably advisable/convenient to put this in a start up script for your shell on the client):
on client (your machine): # ssh-agent -s > ~/.ssh-agent # . ~/.ssh-agent # ssh-add -t 604800 (tells the ssh-agent to use your passphrase and valid for 604800 seconds which is 24 hours)
now you can connect to the server via ssh w/o passwords. Questions? Email me at rob.tandy@… .