Posts for the month of March 2013

New Policy for Commit Messages

From now on, the following codes should be used for commit messages. The commit message should have one of the following three letter codes at the beginning of the first line followed by a colon.

API: an (incompatible) API change
BLD: change related to building fipy
BUG: bug fix
DEP: deprecate something, or remove a deprecated object
DEV: development tool or utility
DOC: documentation
ENH: enhancement
MAINT: maintenance commit (refactoring, typos, etc.)
REV: revert an earlier commit
STY: style fix
TST: addition or modification of tests
REL: related to releasing fipy

These codes are the current Numpy standard (see

  • Posted: 2013-03-26 15:32 (Updated: 2013-03-29 16:29)
  • Author: wd15
  • Categories: (none)
  • Comments (0)

Commit and Ticket Update Automation

Jon has enabled the

Use it as follows:

In future, when we make a commit that responds to a bug, include "addresses ticket:1234" or "references ticket:1234".

When you merge a pull request, include "fixes ticket:1234" or "closes ticket:1234".

These will automatically add the commit message to the ticket and, if appropriate, close the ticket.

  • Posted: 2013-03-21 17:13
  • Author: wd15
  • Categories: (none)
  • Comments (2)