Downloading Glotzilla

The Glotzilla source code is available for download via subversion on this server. Currently, we require a password to get the source (email askeys or cri at umich dot edu) although this will change in the near future.

Step 1 - Install Subversion

To download Glotzilla, first install subversion (called svn in the unix Terminal). See Installing Subversion.

Step 2 - Download Glotzilla

Once you have installed subversion, read Using Subversion to learn how to get the Glotzilla source code. In short, you can get the code by typing the following line in the unix Terminal:

svn checkout svn+ssh://$(whoami)

If your username is not the same on the matdl server and your local machine you will have to replace the $(whoami) variable with your username on the matdl server. Note: The matdl server will request your password THREE times before installing Glotzilla. The Glotzilla folder will be installed in your current directory.

Step 3 - Third Party Software

Glotzilla requires certain third party software to build with full features. The third party software is optional, and many machines already have much the necessary software installed. For a full list, see Supporting Software.

Step 4 - Now What?

After Glotzilla is installed, you will want to build Glotzilla.