Grain Boundary Motion 4
Bill has corrected the boundary conditions so let's restate the problem. We have (the first equation is missing due to some bug or other in trac).
with a jump at , but both
are continuous. The jump condition for the first equation is,
This works perfectly as the equation can now be written
in the finite volume formulation. The issue is how to provide a boundary condition for the second equation with the correct form for the jump condition. Define to be the rotation of the grain boundary and
the displacement angle of the upper surfaces in the frame of reference where the grain boundary is vertical. The following holds,
Essentially, we have to eliminate the angles for an expression for only the and the surface energies. Easy enough to do, but what we really want is a jump condition that fits with equation 2. Ideally this would be of the form.
where is a constant. This isn't possible with the above expression involving the angles and grain boundaries. It is quite obvious that
is just the jump in where
is an arc length. This condition requires the vertical displacement from the horizontal and hence knowledge of the orientation of the grain boundary. In terms of the angles,
From a practical point of view, I suppose we can deal with this boundary conditions simply be iterating at each time step. However, there seems to be something deeply unsatisfying about it.
Grain Boundarly Motion 4
Bill, Has corrected the boundary conditions so let's restate the problem. We have:
with a jump at , but both
are continuous. The jump condition for the first equation is,
Grain Boundary Motion 3
The solution for grain boundary motion with translation is given by,
The comparison with the 1D numerical solution seems to be quite good. The numbers are ,
The code for this is source:trunk/boettinger/grainBoundary/
Grain Boundary Motion 2
In blog:GrainBoundaryMotion the calculation of the analytical solution was broken. The complete analytical solution including the power series is
The power series are given by,
The following image is generated using revision 1559 (source:trunk/boettinger/grainBoundary/ for ,